Cushion Cut Signature Series
Starting at $84
The Cushion cut was one of the most popular diamond cuts ever. For more than 70 years from 1830 to till the dawn of the 20th century, this was how the majority diamonds were cut. Sometimes referred to as a pillow cut, the Cushion cut has an open culet (the bottom of the gemstone) and a rectangular to square shape, with rounded corners and a facet plan to give the diamond depth. The Cushion cut was originally cut for candle light. This is quite different from todays gemstones, which are cut for brighter denser electric light. The beauty of a Cushion cut is the depth of the jewel. The facets allow the eye to travel into the gem. The Cushion cut is a calm soothing cut. At a romantic candlelight dinner, the Cushion cut is at its best. Diamond Nexus Labs Signature Series Gemstones are the only Man-Made Diamond Simulant Gemstones to be Certified and Graded by a Major Diamond Grading Agency. All Signature Series Gemstones are Laser Inscribed with Detailed Information that certifies the Authenticity and Exclusivity of the Gemstone and Insures your Peace of Mind. The laser certificate number inscription will verify that your stone has been certified and graded. Your stone will be identifiable and traceable. The inscription is not visible to the naked eye and does not affect the brilliance of your Gemstone. Each Signature Series Gemstones, either purchased as a loose gem, or mounted in our jewelry will arrive with a Certification and Grading Report documenting the exact specifications and characteristics of your individual gem. American International Gemologists (AIG) is the oldest gemological laboratory and appraisal facility in Los Angeles, and one of the worlds leading gemological institutions. AIG provides diamond-grading reports, colored gemstone identification reports and jewelry appraisals for customers world-wide. Diamond Nexus Labs Signature Series Gemstones are graded by the same criteria as natural diamonds. You can also have a personal laser inscription added to your Signature Series Gemstone for only $20. Up to 15 Caps Lock characters can be used in your inscription. Your personal laser inscription will not be visible to the naked eye and does not affect the brilliance of your Gemstone. Only you and your loved one will know that your personal message is infinitely reflected in the faceted depths of your gemstone. Your Signature Series Gemstone arrives in a protective case and includes a laminated certificate with pictures of the laser inscriptions on your Signature Series Gemstone